Sonnet Book

We have a run of 750 sonnetbooks. Each book signed by William S




Hate ’em, love ’em! le voglio bene e l’odio. Je les deteste, je les aime. Hass und Liebe. quiero mucho, quiero menos.

especially if there is a payoff any thesp would slaver over. the chance, the opportunity, the regrets, the hope, the i knew it right away. What pain, what pleasure. Be in the moment […]

the Dragon’s den…

…is a popular Auntie Beeb show where entrepreneurs face investors and try to convince them to invest in their ideas. Imagine me pitching a show based on the Sonnets of Shakespeare with possibility for an accompanying Sonnetbook, website and DVD! The honing laughter rings with imaginary puissance in my ears. And yet there is a […]

Why are pirates called pirates?

because they aaarrrrrree!

And so to Revenge-Tragedy. The villain is the villain and the virtuous get tried, tested and worked over. It’s almost pantomime with its colourful caricatures of good and evil. It cries out for actors to ham it up a little and to relish in the reactions of the audience. And so with […]

I’m a good comedy MC.

No ego involved, I’m good. The rules of the game are simple but most MC’s are frustrated comics. I’ve just come from a gig, friday night, Comedy Cafe my home base.

We used to get a lot more foreign comics passing through. Guys whose careers were waning in the US; young hippity-hoppity black guys; a […]

Audiences, a.k.a. the life-blood of the theatre.

Every producer of the performing arts encounters the same problem known as bums on seats. Or who is paying for all these egos to strut and fret their hour upon the stage. Even under worst scenario conditions I thank heaven for being paid to entertain an audience. But what is an audience?

It could be […]

Q23: ‘As an unperfect actor on the stage,’

Today I feel like I’m a working actor. The Binger Institute has a new selection of students working on their pet projects, this term their scripts. A Script in Action workshop, mediated by Gillies Mackinnon and Esmee Lammers, is forcing the fledgling Cineasts into reconsidering their baby’s latent or salient features.

We, the actors get […]

14 feb 06 = Next Showing of Why Love Shakespeare? (YLuvSh?)

It’s official! Valentine’s Day- a duo-avond, two-for-the-price-of-one, W.S. and Wilco Terwijn. Shakespeare’s Sonnets in the first half, keiharde actuele grappen in de tweede helft. Theater location to be added.

Willy’s Wee Blog

Go William! yeah! Hey ho, let’s go! Silly Billy Shagsberd.