The previous post on Joshua Foer’s attempt to convince us of the usefulness of a memory system failed. His book neither proved nor disproved any value attainable through the acquiring of a larger conscious memory. […]
The previous post on Joshua Foer’s attempt to convince us of the usefulness of a memory system failed. His book neither proved nor disproved any value attainable through the acquiring of a larger conscious memory. […] This process is known as attribution. Accepting the fact that Shakespeare of Stratford wrote his plays, poems and sonnets, we need to agree on when that happened. […] Outside the American Hoyel, occupied by the Germans naturally in WW2. Gestapo HD a stone’s thorw away, where the Max Eeuweplein now stands. And where we work the Comedy Cafe a weekend or two a month. […] …We like to play. Our best moments are spent with our lump on the street looking for the next inspiration. […] So Passion in Practice will have a new life in May. For anyone interested the fb group page has all the information. True to actorly form we have no idea what that month will bring in the form of employment. […] …constantly keep returning to basics where Sh is concerned. And utterly basic to getting Shakespeare is by experiencing him in the theatre. […] Henry Tudor. We all know him, whether as gouty tub o’ lard or gorgeous hunk o’ flesh. He had six wives we know too: divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. The first beheading was Elizabeth’s mum, Anne Boleyn. The first divorce (ever) was Mary’s mum, Catherine of Aragon. Shakespeare who loved history plays wrote a […] is a travesty of nature.We have the man with the name wearing the mantle. Fact. The authorship question for the Stratfordians is whether he deserves to wear that mantle. For the truly orthodox Stratfordians the notion that it isn’t he is preposterous. Beneath contempt, infra dig. All other candidates imho seek to denigrate our true, […] as we search engine optimised the posts i realised we have 2 quizzes and quite a few lists to enlighten our readers. And seeing as new people may be attracted to the site, we thought, let’s organise them in one post, like a UN fact-finding mission. 1. Test your knowledge of the Opening Lines of […] …first read this: Summary of early modern theatres and theatre goers. This account, which dates from 1596-1598, is probably the single most important source of our knowledge of the internal layout of the London theatres. It consists of a diary note together with a sketch of the internal layout of the Swan Theatre. […] |
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