Sonnet Book

We have a run of 750 sonnetbooks. Each book signed by William S



Nashe’s levels of drunkenness…

Here are 8 drunken stereotypes by Thomas Nashe from the Elizabethan era. I wonder what type of drunk our WIll would have been. In the poem ‘Pete the Parrot and Shakespeare’, found under the Sh. poems page on this site, he is a maudlin drunk:

APE drunk- leaps and hollers, sings and dances for the heavens.

drunk- flings glasses around, calls the hostess whore, breaks windows with his dagger.

drunk- heavy, lumpish and sleepy and cries for a little more drink and a few more clothes.

SHEEP drunk- wise in their own conceit but confused to others.

MAUDLIN drunk- when someone weeps for kindness in their cups and tells people i love you, you don’t love me as much, but i really love you; and then starts crying.

MARTIN drunk- someone who drinks themselves sober.

GOAT drunk- nothing on their mind but lechery.

FOX drunk- a crafty drunk like dutchmen who will never bargain except when drunk.

Nashe also wrote a poem about a dildo! As well as other works which can be found at Luminarium here.

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